Panopto Use Cases

PHSC 13400 Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast (Spring 2019)

Associate Prof. Dorian Abbot (Geophysical Sciences) used Panopto extensively in his spring 2019 course “Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast”.  As part of a flipped-classroom setup, students watched Panopto videos outside class time and took in-video quizzes to assess their comprehension of the material.  This left class time free for active learning activities led by graduate student instructors in small class sessions.  Learn more: Implementing the Flipped-Classroom Model in Global Warming

Symposium for Teaching with Technology 2019

The 2019 Symposium for Teaching with Technology was live-streamed and recorded via Panopto for an audience of faculty, staff, and other interested parties.  You can view Panopto video of the Symposium sessions here: Event Schedule